...Lest We Forget...

It's been nearly a century since the "War to End All Wars". We're now some 4 generations removed from the Second World War. Nearly all those who fought in those two wars have crossed Onward. We have to remember the blood that was shed for the freedoms we now enjoy through those conflicts.

To remember not just soldiers, but resistance fighters and ordinary men and women and children who did what they could to keep the light of Humanity shining in its own darkest hours. Not too long ago, I was privileged to visit several memorial sites in Normandy. I thought it timely to mount some images of those locations; including a ceremony with actual veterans.

As you look at them, do remember the current wars that rage around the globe. Many of our brothers, sons, daughters, sisters and mothers and fathers and friends fight in them, have been maimed by them...and have died in them. Please...let's just pause to remember those who's blood has been shed fighting for our sakes; regardless of politics. As Time moves forward--leaving its winnowing marks on our current generations--we must pledge to never ever forget...